Sunday, October 23, 2011


So, First I'm going to cover my butt and say GO CHECK OUT THE ETSY!!! It's lonely and is full of new things. So there.

Now, This post is going to be a very strange all encompassing blur of things I have been too lazy to post from the last few months. Yes, yes. I'm terrible at keeping up with my blog...I KNOW. But, I also REALLY doubt anyone reads this fucker so it probably doesn't matter you and you probably never missed me. You probably noticed me in your blogspot feed and went OOOH! Or maybe you read everything else on the internet first and thought  "Ugh...FIIIIINE!"

Here's Mom and I at my most recent Deflowered Art Show.

Let's just say I got really trashed on tasty beer which later forced my mother to question my as a responsible adult...THAT was fun.
 This is Joel's new desk photo for work. I know I haven't mentioned this yet but he recently got a position at the Ritz Carlton Lake Tahoe as the Director of Audio Visual. Not super exciting for you guys but for me...I'm STOKED!!!
 Random pictures I made myself look blonde in.
AAAND the zombie version for his desk that he is going to put out sometime next week...
That wasn't a very interesting post...I didn't really do anything blog worthy I guess. I'm awful. Also, my BFF is out of town in Ashville, NC visiting her sister. I miss her. And last week she was in the bay at Treasure Island music festival. She gets back on Halloween. I'm picking her up at the airport. I guarantee a blog post filled with photos of me embarrassing her at the airport. I intend to wear something completely outrageous. While holding a sign with her Pen Name on it. Just you wait.

Friday, October 14, 2011

I Need Your Help!

I am once again asking for your help! Please help me get accepted for Heartsy!

If you love me or my shop NOW is the time to show your LOVE. Not with money but with VOTES! Please!!! -

Also, I just thought you all might want to see this super sweet review that this Sweet Girl did for me!

Please Please Please VOTE! And pass it along to any and all of your friends!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Photo BOMB

I promised photos in the last post in here I am bringing them to the table!

90's PARTY!!!
 Slash - Posh - Gwen Stephani
 You can't see but I'm totes wearing a tiny backpack. 90's!
 Lilu & Stevesie in front of The Soule Domain

 Slash & Posh in the Red Room
 Lilu was soooo cute as Gwen Stephani
Character faces!
 I got forced on stage and was hiding behind Lilu
 Making sure no one comes between Lilu and I
 What's with the drinks on stage?

Like I said before, we were the ONLY people dressed in 90's garb!

Next up - Mom and Eddie's trip to Tahoe!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


It has come to my attention that some of my items are coveted by re-sellers. Since they are truly handmade and cannot be found anywhere but in my kitchen where I make them. It brings me to a very difficult question. Do I agree to make these items for re-sellers and roll in the dough or do I keep my morals and say no thanks? It's a really hard decision to make since many like minded people despise re-selling.

Have you ever let someone re-sell something that you make or have you stuck to your guns and kept yourself as the soul seller of something?

In all honesty I am finding it hard to believe that someone would really want to buy my cabochons in bulk. Really, you can't come up with your own creativity and make something different?

Money or morals? It's a difficult choice.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Holy Hell...

I haven't posted a blog in like forever. I apologize. I've been dealing with a few random life phenomena that I can't really disclose. Some of them good and some of them not so good. Anyhow, it's summer...and it has been for like 3 damn months...whoops. I guess as soon as it gets warm here in Tahoe I completely forget I have a blog to keep up. So let's start from the beginning.

Hubz and I got a new Pup.

Her name is Jasmine and she is the MOST evil dog ever. She is a wire hair Jack Russel and I love her. She's totally cute and sweet one minute and the next she is ripping through the house barking her tiny face off. She's also a fantastic mouser, and we haven't had to buy glue traps since we got her! She's caught 6 mice so far, yay! Normally I wouldn't be okay with animal on animal violence but the mice have been ruining our belongings for years. Bummer.

I've lost 40lbs thus far on Weight Watchers...YAY! And thanks to my new self confidence I actually got a modeling gig with the designer behind this site. I've only done one shoot for him so far. and I'm actually waiting on my second shipment right now. Here's a few shots from the shoot.

Also, July was a house guest filled month. First our friend from L.A. came up to visit one weekend and then my mom and step dad came up for nearly a week. I'll have pics of that up soon...that is if I took any...I can't quite remember.

While they were here we played lots of Screw Your Neighbor, finished planting my garden, went to Soule Domain and even went kayaking! I wish they would have a stayed a few days longer, I had sooo much fun with them!

Also, right before my Mom and Step dad got here we went out to a 90'a show with my Best girl Lisa B. The three of us got all fancied up in our best 90's fashions only to find we were the only 3 dressed up...Whoops! Here's my outfit: Acid Trip Posh Spice!
Sorry my eyes look all evil and stuff but the flash caught my soul. I promise I'll add picture of the 3 of us soon and we were all getting hilarious stares...not to mention I got forced up on stage at one point...not...funny.

I'm going to leave it at that for now. Hopefully I'll post a few photo filled blogs soon. Aaaaand as always don't forget to check out the Etsy I posted lots of new jewelry and soaps that people are dying over! it out!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Lunchie Munchie Time

So, I'm totally refusing to post the blog of our last Sac trip to see !!! since it's really just a ton of pictures of us drunkenly stumbling around the 28th block of Sacramento.  And I'm really not in the mood to rehash the drunk parts of that night. However, I will say that the Indian food we had was A-mazing! It makes me wish we had an Indian food joint around here for me to get Chana Saag at...yummm...

Anyway, onto some more foodie tales. As many of you know I'm on the Weight Watchers plan. So far I've lost 20lbs. Crazy...right? I never thought a diet plan could actually work for me. ANYWAY! Enough about WW.

Today I made a totally DE-LISH BLT minus the B. Since I don't have anyway and wouldn't really dare to buy any since I'd probably eat the entire package in one sitting...I looove bacon. None the less. I made this tasty sando with the following ingredients...

1 wedge of Low Fat, French Onion, Laughing Cow Cheese
2 Tsp of Lite Mayo
3 Slices of Tomato
1 Double Fiber English Muffin
1 Romain Heart
1 tsp of Mustard
1 Pinch of fresh ground Sea Salt and Pepper

If you're on WW this is a 5pt, super filling and delicious dish to put in your face. Also, I toasted my english muffin because I like warm sammies! Also, I have gotten a really good reaction to the French Onion cheese by both my BFF Lili and Hubzors, which neither of them are on WW they just both enjoy that cheese. So, I recommend you grab a wheel of it next time you're at the store. Did I mention we are whores for cheese? Cuz we


On a different note, I bought some caramels from Fusion Sweets back in December for our anniversary. They had some Thai Chili caramels that I knew Joel would DIE for, since he is in love with spice. Anyway, the other night while Lili was over we decided to bust them out. And before you get all cranky-pants about them being in our cupboard for 6 months just stop. They were still super chewy and soft and delicious as the day they came in the mail.

Anyway this is a picture of the Vanilla flavored caramel. Lili, Joel and I consumed the other 3 flavors the night before. I saw that there was one 1oz of it left and had to nibble on it...Okay I ate the whole ounce... Anyway, Fusion Sweets offers a variety of flavors. Our personal favorites are French Lavender Honey Vanilla Sea Salt Butter Caramels, Some Like It Hot Thai Habanero Butter CaramelsChocolate Peppermint Butter Caramels and Sweet and Creamy Vanilla Butter Caramel. And I will be back soon to buy some of the scrumptious looking marshmallow to roast over the fire pit this summer...CAN'T WAIT!!!

Shmerp, Derp, Doodly, Do

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


So, I sent in my application to and I would RE-HEALLY appreciate if everyone went over and voted within the next 72 hours HERE!

It would make my week if we could pull this out and get me the 60 votes.

Here's a sneak peak of my next blog...

I wish my photo editing software had a Weight Loss setting...I KNOW the internet has one...I've used it before.
 I'm like 90% sure this had something to do with the tree insulting Joel's shirt...I could be wrong though...

Until next time this will have to tide you over. And PLEASE VOTE!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I pooped my pants today...

I wish the title of this blog was a joke...but it's not.

As you may well know from my last blog post I'm on Weight Watchers. And on WW you get a certain amount of points. And in order to lose weight you have to stay within your points. Well, lets just say that I get 32 points and I eat 12 points between breakfast, lunch and a snack and then decide to have a few* glasses of wine with Lili. Wine isn't free of points. In fact it's around a point an oz. Last night I drank 20 points of wine. That means I drank more points than I ate...and if you're curious, Yes, I stayed within my daily point value. However, in being such a good dieter, I ended making myself quite sick. So, there you go.

*See an entire bottle.

Also, I still have a blog that is begging to get written but I don't really feel like it right now.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Weight Watchers...

About 3 weeks ago I decided that I would take the leap and start weight watchers. I've never really dieted, counted calories or frankly given a crap about what I put into my mouth. I'm not saying all I'm doing is hurking down cheeseburgers and fries, but I certainly wasn't thinking about how many tofu chick'n nuggets I was putting down my hatch.

First on the agenda was cleaning out the cabinets and fridge.

Some of the junk I nixed.
 I filled and entire trash bag with crap.
 I'm not going to lie there were a few things that weren't exactly healthy that I couldn't part with. Including my cupcake decorations (which do become parts of soaps and resin jewelry so it's not all bad), crisco and other baking supplies. I don't normally eat a lot of my own baked goods so it's not really a big temptation. Unless the sweets are premade.

I'm sure that there are probably some not so healthy things left but my husband is NOT on a diet, lol. He can lose 10lbs in one day if he wants. And If I don't keep him fed I'll have an entirely new problem that I don't want.
 Sugar and fat free puddings along with whole grain and low cal breads.
 Yes, I did mark point values on boxes so that I was fully aware of them.

More baking supplies.

So far I've lost 13lbs on weight watchers and am VERY pleased. I did have a gym membership but it lapsed today and Paypal screwed up during a transaction yesterday so I have to wait for that to get sorted out before I can re-up my membership.

I also used every last bit of my weekly splurge points this week due to an outing with our couple counterparts (blog in the works I promise). I've never used them all before, so I am a tad bit worried about losing weight this week. We'll see though I try to be honest about everything I eat and it's worked for me so far.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blow Dryers & Tahoe People

REMINDER: Any and all photos can be clicked for a larger version.
So, Tonight was couples night. And yes! For once I'm actually going to get the post up on the same night! What a concept, right?
Anyway, Joel and I went to Costco the other day and saw that they had 2 $50 gift cards for $80 for the Truckee restaurant Moody's. Now, I didn't go in expecting to dislike this place...HOWEVER, Lili has been here before and...well, She's had better, haha. Gotta love my honest bff.

Now, if you're curious about the blog title, here goes...I decided to blow dry my hair after I got out of the shower, which I never do and absolutely fell in love with the way my hair looked. And second, I realized our couplezies bond is that we are all born and raised Tahoe people...who would've thunk? We're a rarity here.

Act Natural...Joel's all blurry..haha
So, I was super tired tonight, I don't know why but I'm not getting nearly enough rest lately. Still kind of on a bender from last week. I had 4 or 5 (not positive) cups of coffee while at dinner to keep awake, I'm still tired. I actually drank at least twice as much coffee as I did wine...weird huh?

See the coffee?
Anywho, So we probably waited around the bar area of Moody's for a good 5 minutes before the bar tender even looked our way. Which by that point Lili and I had decided to use the ladies room. Joel ordered a bottle of Zin which got picked up by the host (who looked like Steve Jobs, Black turtle neck and all) and then set down on the booth divider and then left to sit for about 10 minutes. Seriously, Wednesday night and we can't get decent service? So, annoying!
We managed to rope our server into taking a picture of us after the bartender had to leave the bar to open our bottle of wine.

OMFG...Can you day psychotic?
Blind Girl conversation...Will these ever be funny to anyone but us? We may never know...
You know the bit.
IT took us like 20 minutes to get menus...good thing we scoped the menu online the night before.

Huh? What? 
I dunno...
We had some really tasty Hedgehog Mushrooms. No Hedgehogs were involved in the making however Polenta  and a sunny side egg was involved...HOLY YUMMERS!!!! Lili and I were thinking about licking the bowl. 

For serious?
I don't know what they're looking at...
Lili's BIG ASS PORK CHOP! It was super tasty and super huge. WE all had a chunk of it!
 My swordfish with mashed potatos, tempura asparagus and fennel.
I decided shortly into my fish that I didn't actually want fish...WHOOPS.
Joel's Rib Eye with Bearnaise and pom frite.
We traded plates halfway through but I only had one or two bites.
Stevesies Din-din...Vignetto.
So, Back to where we started. Lili and I like to take bathroom pictures...
So, we had generally slow service and weren't treated super great. I probably wouldn't eat at Moody's again. Now, if I lived in Truckee I probably wouldn't rule it out as a dinner option. However, since we live at the lake I wouldn't eat here again, even with the implied 10% discount.
Now the runner up to the mushrooms was the dessert.
Lili and I talked the boys into letting us get the s'mores. 
The marshmallows were divine. It seemed like the entire thing was homemade. It was pretty much amazing but a little overwhelming sweetness wise. Also, the boys got a white chocolate peppermint creme brulee. Which the mint was OVERWHELMING as all get out. I tried to take a sip of wine after I took a bite and it tasted like I had just brushed my teeth. Also, it was a bit over egged. It's seemed like the Entree Chef has a bland pallet and the dessert chef over did everything. Not the best thing I've eaten for the price I'm sorry to say. I tried to like it. However I watched Lili making notes of the flaws, which I agreed with. We will NOT be back...Sorry Moody's we'll be taking our business elsewhere.
No for some funny bloopers of our couple counterparts trying to share a s'more, lol.